
Geoecological features of the South Caucasus and sustainable development issues
Author: Gela SandodzeKeywords: Caucasus, Sustainable Development, Resources, Geography
The South Caucasus countries (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, North-East Turkey, and North West Iran) occupy a key geographic location. There is plenty of biodiversity here and it is also known for its high level of endemism. The report discusses the geoecological features of the South Caucasus, the problems of sustainable development and its causes. Also the importance of landscape planning in the region and the basic principles. Problems mentioned include socio-economic, catastrophic geodynamic processes and their scales, scales of natural resource utilization, geopolitical situation, population trends and dynamics, and more. The issues discussed in the report will provide a general overview of the situation in the South Caucasus and the region.
Lecture files:
Geoecological features of the South Caucasus and sustainable development issues [en]სამხრეთ კავკასიის გეოეკოლოგიური თავისებურებანი და მდგრადი განვითარების პრობლემატიკა [ka]