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Modification of Heisenberg uncertainty relation and a new version of Energy-time uncertainty.
Author: Teimuraz NadareishviliCo-authors: Anzor Khelashvili
Keywords: Operators, Heisenberg uncertainty relation, Energy-time uncertainty
It is shown that Heisenberg uncertainty relation in spherical coordinates needs to modified, when the commutator between two operators is number.Is obtained new version of of Energy-time uncertainty, which can change known interpretations and may have very important physical results
Lecture files:
Modification of Heisenberg uncertainty relation and a new version of Energy- time uncertainty [en]ჰაიზენბერგის განუზღვრელობათა თანაფარდობების მოდიფიცირება და ენერგია-დროის განუზღვრელობის ახალი ვერსია [ka]