
On a model of layered prismatic shells
Author: Nino BliadzeCo-authors: George Jaiani
Keywords: prismatic, layered, shells
The present paper is devoted to a model for elastic layered prismatic shells. Using I. Vekua’s dimension reduction method [1-3] hierarchical models for elastic layered prismatic shells are constructed. For each layer we construct hierarchical models assuming to be known stress vector components on the face surfaces of the layered body (structure) under consideration, while we calculate the values of Xij and ui on the interfaces from their Fourier- Legendre expansions there. So, we get coupled governing systems for the whole structure in the projection of the structure. Ana- logously, hierarchical models can be constructed, when on the face surfaces of the prismatic body displacements or mixed stress and displacement vector components are assumed to be known. For the sake of simplicity we consider the case of two plies, in the zeroth approximation (hierarchical model).