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Solid Polymer Electrolytes on Fluorine-Siloxane Matrix
Author: Omari MukbanianiCo-authors: Omar Mukbaniani, Jimsher Aneli, Eliza Markarashvili, Tamara Tatrishvili, Izabela Esartia, Donari Otiashvili, Tamar Gokadze
Keywords: Hydrosilylation, polymerization, sol-gel, polymer electrolyte, membrane
Cyclotetraსიloxane monomers containing tetraphropropylacrylate groups and with combinations of polymerization and co-polymerization reactions comb-type polymers have been synthesized. The sol-gel reactions of polymers doped with lithium salts have been studied and solid polymer electrolyte membranes have been obtained on fluorine-siloxane matrix. Ion conduction of membranes is studied by impedance spectroscopy.
Lecture files:
Solid Polymer Electrolyte Membranes on Fluorine-siloxane Matrix [en]მყარი პოლიმერ ელექტროლიტური მემბრანები ფლუორ-სილოქსანურ მატრიცაზე [ka]