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Geographic peculiarities of tourist potential in Zestaponi municipality
Author: archil khuskivadzeKeywords: natural environment, route planning, spatial organization of tourism, components of nature.
During the last decades in Georgia, tourism has become the fastest growing direction and one of the leading spheres in economics. There is an annual increase in the surge of tourists as well as in their demands. The elements of natural environment, which are distinguished by their uniqueness and attractive sides, have become popular among the new directions of tourism. The master thesis deals with the natural components of Zestaphoni Municipality, the study and planning of which will contribute to the development of tourism in this mountainous region.
Lecture files:
ზესტაფონის მუნიციპალიტეტის ტურისტული პოტენციალის გეოგრაფიული თავისებურებანი [ka]Geographic peculiarities of tourist potencial in Zestaphoni municipality [en]