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The problem of measuring hailstone's impulse: general conception of measuring device, laboratory model of the device and the result of its first test
Author: Luka BurdiladzeKeywords: hail, hailstone's impulse
The purpose is to create a device that will allow us to measure the impulse of a hailstone during hail. While building such a tool, in order to make one with high quality and accuracy we should consider many factors.
Lecture files:
The problem of measuring hailstone’s impulse: general conception of the measuring device, laboratory model of the device and the result of its first test [en]სეტყვის იმპულსის განსაზღვრის ამოცანა: ზოგადი მოსაზრებები გამზომ ხელსაწყოზე, ლაბორატორიული მოდელი და მისი პირველადი გამოცდის შედეგი [ka]