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Point of sale system for small businesses
Author: Beqa TitvinidzeCo-authors: Davit Kapanadze,Nikoloz Kasradze,Giorgi Nadiradze,Aleqsandre Kaxetelidze
Keywords: Databases, android, admin panel, customers interface, pos system
Nowadays, there are plenty of small business owners whose budgets are insufficient to afford the expensive technologies used by relatively large businesses (large network stores, hypermarkets, etc.). Such a problem can be encountered in different supermarkets or even small shops in different regions. All kinds of businesses need budget control, product sales control, product stock control and more. So we think creating software that is affordable, easy-to-use (all software requires instructions), fast and flexible, will be very demanding and popular with small businesses. We give companies the option of acquiring mobile devices with an Android operating system (not very high data) and installing our own application.