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European Water Resources Management Policy and Georgia - Problems, Analysis
Author: Zaza Gulashvilisupervisor: David Kereselidze, Vazha Trapaidze
SWOT Analysis of Anaklia Deepwater Port Construction Projects
Author: Nodar TsivtsivadzeCo-authors: Lamzira Laghidze, Nargizi Motsonelidze, Giorgi Ivanovi, Nino Paichadze
Keywords: Deepwater port, cargo, turnover, logistic, port-hub
Influence of Meteorological Factors on Ecological Conditions of the Atmosphere (Georgia, Tbilsi)
Author: Lamzira LaghidzeCo-authors: Lia Matchavariani, Nodar Tsivtsivadze, Nino Paitchadze, Nargizi Motsonelidze
Keywords: Georgia, Tbilisi, climate change, atmospheric pollution, meteorological conditions
Wind parameter assessment based on the climate changes
Author: Giorgi Khomasuridzesupervisor: Lamzira Laghidze
Keywords: Wind parameters, Climate change, თბილისი
Impact of Climate Change on the River Runoff (On the River Vere Example)
Author: Merab AlaverdashviliCo-authors: Giorgi Bregvadze, Darejan Kiknadze, Nunu Tsintsadze, Nestan Khufenia, Nana Kokaia
Keywords: Climate Change, Hydrometeorological Observations, River Vere
Some Peculiarities to Calculate River Runoff Coefficient
Author: Giorgi BregvadzeCo-authors: Vazha Trapaidze
Keywords: Runoff Coefficient, Precipitation
Evaluation of mudflow processes common in some regions of Georgia
Author: Vazha TrapaidzeCo-authors: Davit Kereselidze, Kakhaber Bilashvili, Giorgi Bregvadze, Irakli Megrelidze
Keywords: udflow processes, Design parameters.
Determination of minimum flow with a different probability to calculate environmental flow of mountain rivers
Author: Nika Tsitelashvilisupervisor: Assoc.Prof. Vazha Trapaidze
Keywords: Environmental flow, Minimum flow, Mountain river
Assessment of Adjara Black Sea Coast Status
Author: Mariami Sitchinavasupervisor: Giorgi Bregvadze
Keywords: Black Sea; Sea Coast; Adjara
Improving Environmental Monitoring in the Black Sea (EMBLAS-Plus)
Author: Kakhaber BilashviliCo-authors: Vakhtang Gvakharia, Nino Machitadze,Vazha Trapaidze,Nino Gelashvili, Inesa Kuzanova
Keywords: Black Sea, Environmental, Monitoring
Sea Data Management “SeaDataCloud”
Author: Kakhaber BilashviliCo-authors: Tornike Razmadze, Vazha Trapaidze, Zurab Savaneli
Keywords: Sea Data, Management
Hydrological and hydraulic analysis of hydro-hazardous phenomena of the River Varaziskhevi
Author: Davit KereselidzeCo-authors: Vazha Trapaidze, Giorgi Bregvadze, Davit Svanadze
Keywords: hydro-hazardous phenomena, River Varaziskhevi
Climate change impact assessment on hydrological regime
Author: Tornike Khokhonishvilisupervisor: Assoc.Prof. Vazha Trapaidze
Keywords: Climate change, Hydrological regime