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Salination – one of the most important factors of soil degradation (on the example of Kvemo Kartli)
Author: Besik KalandadzeCo-authors: Ilia Kalandadze, Elizbar Mgebrishvili
Keywords: soil saliniaton, soil degradation, moisture content
Strengthening Public Participation in the Management of Protected Areas
Author: Ketevan Tskhvedadzesupervisor: Besik Kalandadze
Keywords: Protected area, National park, Ecosystem, Public participation
Global warming and evaluation of agroecological conditions in Samegrelo - Zemo Svaneti region
Author: Maia MeladzeKeywords: agroecological conditions, global warming, agricultural crop
Radioactive Radiation and its Impact on the Environment and Human Health (Chernobyl Disaster Example)
Author: Tsotne Sulashvilisupervisor: Besik Kalandadze
Copper in Vineyards
Author: Ani Getiashvilisupervisor: Lia Matchavariani
Keywords: Copper, viticulture
The Importance of Protected Areas in the Conservation of Biodiversity
Author: Tamar Jolokhavasupervisor: Lia Machavariani
Keywords: Biodiversity, Conservation, Sustainable management
Assessment of Water Reservoir Impact on Local Climate Parameters
Author: Lia MatchavarianiCo-authors: G. Metreveli, Z. Gulashvili, L. Lagidze
Keywords: Climatic indicators; Water reservoir parameters; EIA