
adsorbents from secondary raw materials for purification drinking water
Author: Nino GiorgadzeKeywords: adsorbent, heavy metals, adsorption, drinking water, contamination
Water pollution is one of the major problems of modernity caused by human activity. Protection and rational use of water resources is one of the important tasks of the complex global problem of nature protection. The quality of drinking water is a major environmental problem for mankind, which directly affects the health of the population and the ecological purity of the products consumed. Creation of new, inexpensive and effective adsorbents is one of the priority directions for the development of modern technology for purificaton water from harmful substances. The purpose of the present work was to provide according to the technology developed by the R.Agladze Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Electrochemistry, research on the sorption properties of carbon materials obtained from secondary raw materials for purification drinking water.