
Project of National Agency of Public Registry about creating a new digital maps of Georgia
Author: nino kharebavaKeywords: 3D, Digital Map, Georgia, Cartography
The work presents the importance of the electronic map, how demanded it is, and its potential worldwide, including in Georgia. Also a brief history of digital mapping in Georgia and current work of the National Agency of Public Registry is discussed. The paper presents the methods of creating digital maps and some problematic aspects. Creating first 3D digital web-map had been started in 2014 in Georgia. Work on it is still ongoing. The major challenge is creating cartographic product corresponding the international standarts. It will be the BaseMap, on basis of which it will be possible creating maps of scales 1:2000 and 1:10 000. The work is being carried out by the National Public Registry Agency with the support of the Norwegian and Swedish States. For more clarity Norwegian web-map is being presented as an example. The most important fact is that the map will be placed on a site that will make it public and accessible to all interested parties. First of all 3D digital web-map is an important prerequisite for developing cartography field in Georgia. It represents great state importance, as electronic maps are more or less required for the normal functioning of all ministries and various civil services. Navigation data for all types of users helps them easily identify the location and helps in selecting the optimal route to the destination, taking into account minimum time or minimum distance criteria. The availability of such data in all developed countries worldwide is an essential component of the work of specific agencies such as emergency medical services, fire-fighting, rescue services, police and others, and contributes to the development of tourism. At the same time, it will contribute to popularization of the country, improving economic potential, development of infrastructure and tourism, property registration process, e-governance, sustainable development of the environment.
Lecture files:
Project of National Agency of Public Registry about creating a new digital maps of Georgia [en]საჯარო რეესტრის ეროვნული სააგენტოს პროექტი საქართველოს ახალი ციფრული რუკის შედგენის თაობაზე [ka]