
Ore Mineralization Potential of Kakhetian Segment of Caucasus
Author: Giorgi MindiashviliKeywords: Fold system, fault, hydrothermal alteration.
Considering utilization history and scales of minerals of our country, new descoveries and supposedly, their quantities as well will certainly become difficult in future. According to the mentioned above, selection of optimal scientific methods of researching minerals will be necessary in future, which will be based on complex investigations. In the work ore mineralization potential of Kakhetian segment. It is basically structured by intensively folded and crushed lower Jurassic clay-shales, sandstones, carbonaceous rocks in small quantity and dacite-andesite-basalt sheets, in relief they make Kakhetian anticline structure of general Caucasian strike, leaning into South. Numerous hydrothermally changed zones of general sub-latitudinal strike are famous at this territory, whose geological study deposit of industrial significance may be revealed in the future.
Lecture files:
Ore Mineralization Potential of Kakhetian Segment of Caucasus [en]კავკასიონის კახეთის სეგმენტის მადნიანი მინერალიზაციის პოტენციალი [ka]