
Modern Geodynamic Processes of Georgia (According to municipalities)
Author: Giorgi DvalashviliKeywords: Relief, Disaster, geodynamic processes
The territory of Georgia is one of the most difficult regions of the mountainous region, with its diverse range of natural disasters, scale of development, repetition of time, negative impacts on the population, agricultural lands and agricultural-engineering facilities. The landslides, rock formations, mudslides, seawater and reservoirs developed here, various types of erosion, floods, karst-suppressive rifts, and the socio-economic implications of them cover all areas of agriculture. The danger of large-scale development of gravitational events is unbelievably increased by the fact that the country's territory is at risk of 7-9 magnitude earthquakes. Thousands of settlements, agricultural lands, roads, oil and gas pipelines, hydroelectric and reclamation facilities, high voltage power lines and power transmission lines are periodically affected by the natural disasters in Georgia (often with catastrophic consequences). Extreme outbreaks often require the removal of historically settled populations and their relocation to unmarked locations, sometimes even in other regions, over time resulting in the emptying of dozens of mountain villages and damaging land. According to recent studies in Georgia, up to 3,000 settlements with more than 400,000 families were found in the high risk zone of natural disasters, 50,000 of which were relocated to safe places at different times. Areas of varying intensity or risk area affected by these processes have reached approximately 4 million ha. Protecting the population and engineering facilities from catastrophic events is the most pressing problem for sustainable development in the area. The importance of this problem is especially acute in mountainous and mountainous areas.
Lecture files:
Modern Geodynamic Processes of Georgia (According to municipalities) [en]საქართველოს თანამედროვე გეოდინამიკური პროცესები (მუნიციპალიტეტების მიხედვით) [en]