
Black Sea Ecology
Author: Nona JanashviliKeywords: black sea, pollution, plastic
The Black Sea is one of the biggest inland seas. The growth of economy and development of transport infrastructure of the countries of Black Sea basin increases the risk of environment pollution. The most important environmental problems are big quantities of biogenic substances and various kinds of organic pollutants (oil and oil products, pesticides, phenols, resins etc.) that bring the rivers, falling into the sea. Increasing of marine transport traffic is one more factor of pollution of the marine environment. Limited water exchange of Black Sea with ocean hinders evacuation of pollutants, got in marine environment; as a result the accumulation processes are more intensive. Therefore, Black Sea is under heavy anthropogenic load. For the countries of the region the environmental problems of the sea are of higher-priority among the ecological issues; this is confirmed by the international conventions and agreements related to protection of Black sea; Georgia is participant of them.