
Assessment of Natural Conflicts and Risks in Landscape Planning (Samegrelo region example)
Author: Lado GrigoliaKeywords: Sustainable Development, Natural Conflicts, Natural Risks, Landscape planning, complex evaluation.
Sustainable development, as one of the challenges of the modern world, considering the economic and ecological interests of the society, is related to the objectives, which ensures the prosperity of the present and future generations. Important attention is paid to ensuring sustainable ecological situation in which the ecologically oriented territorial - landscape planning is of utmost importance. It is a European experience of spatial development and planning, strengthened by the European Landscape Convention. The importance of landscape planning increases in the implementation of regional and local infrastructural, economic and ecological projects, especially when possible impacts on natural environment are obvious. The main goal of the project is to present geographic peculiarities of natural conflicts (climate, geodynamic, hydropower, biogenic, landscape-ecological) and related risks (erosion, denudation, degradation, environmental degradation, desertification, etc.), also theoretical and practical significance of the results, obtained from their complex assessment, in landscape planning.
Lecture files:
სამეცნიერო კვლევითი პროექტი I [ka]Assessment of Natural Conflicts and Risks in Landscape Planning (Samegrelo region example) [en]
ბუნებრივი კონფლიქტებისა და რისკების შეფასება ლანდშაფტურ დაგეგმარებაში (სამეგრელოს რეგიონის მაგალითზე) [ka]