
Measurements of emission cross sections in collisions of 1 - 10 keV O^+ ions with N_2 molecules.
Author: Malkhaz GochitashviliCo-authors: M. R. Gochitashvili, R. A. Lomsadze, , R. Ya. Kezerashvili, D. F. Kuparashvili, M.Schulz, N. O. Mosulishvili and O. G. Taboridze
Keywords: emission, cross section, linear polarization, metastable particles
The energy dependence of the emission cross section of the band (0,0) λ=391.4nm of the first negative system of the N_2^+ and degree of linear polarization of emission in O^+-N_2 collision are measured. The emission cross section induced by incident ions in the metastable O^+ (^2 P) is much larger than that for the ground O^+ (^4 S) state. An influence of admixture of the ion metastable state on a degree of linear polarization is revealed. It is demonstrated that for O^+-N_2 collision system the degree of linear polarization by metastable O^+ (^2 P) ions is less compared to those that are in the ground O^+ (^4 S) state and the sign of degree of linear polarization of emission of excited molecular ions does not change in all energy range.
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გამოსხივების კვეთის განსაზღვრა O^+ იონების N_2 მოლეკულებთან დაჯახებისას, იონების 1-10კევ ენერგეტიკულ დიაპაზონში. [ka]