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On Machine Learning New Technology for the Prediction Problem of Expert Knowledge Stream
Author: Gia SirbiladzeKeywords: Knowledge stream, weakly structured system, fuzzy sets, possibility measure, possibilistic prediction, machine learning
This work deals with the problems of analyzing and synthesizing of expert evaluations of the complex and/or extreme evolutionary system - so called expert knowledge streams (ENS). Such processes are called as weakly structured processes, when the relations between the objects of the evolutionary system are constructed on the basis of expert knowledge due to the lack or lack of objective information. The use of ENS modeling is relevant today to the study of complex and anomalous events in society and nature. E.g. Innovative engineering tasks, problems with data science, the complexities of economics and business, and more.
Lecture files:
ექსპერტული ცოდნის ნაკადის პროგნოზის ამოცანის მანქანური სწავლების ახალი ტექნოლოგიის შესახებ [ka]ექსპერტული ცოდნის ნაკადის პროგნოზის ამოცანის მანქანური სწავლების ახალი ტექნოლოგიის შესახებ [ka]
On Machine Learning New Technology for the Prediction Problem of Expert Knowledge Stream [en]