
On the relaxed states in the mixture of relativistic degenerate and non-degenerate hot plasmas of astrophysical
Author: Nana ShatashviliCo-authors: S.M. Mahajan, V.I. Berezhiani
Keywords: Quasi-Equilibrium Beltrami-Bernoulli States, Degenerate Relativistic gas; Energy Transformation
It is shown that a small contamination of a relativistically hot electron component can induce a new scale (for structure formation) to a system consisting of an ion-degenerate electron plasma. Mathematically expression of this additional scale length is the increase in the index of quasi-equilibrium Beltrami-Bernoulli states that have been invoked to model several astrophysical systems of interest. The two species of electrons, due to different origin of their relativistic effective masses, behave as two distinct components (each with its own conserved helicity) and add to the richness of the accessible quasi equilibrium states. Determined by the concrete parameters of the system, the new macro-scale lengths (much larger than the short intrinsic scale lengths (skin depths) and generally much shorter than the system size) open new pathways for energy transformations.
Lecture files:
On the Relaxed States in the mixture of relativistic degenerate and non-degenerate hot plasmas of astrophysical objects [en]წონასწორული მდგომარეობები ასტროფიზიკური ობიექტების რელატივისტური გადაგავარებული და გადაუგვარებელი ცხელი პლაზმების ნარევში [ka]