
Geographical aspects of spacial arrangement of Mountainous regions of Georgia (Mestia and Akhmeta Municipalities Case Study
Author: Tamari odilavadzeKeywords: Land management, Sustainable Landscape, Spatial-territorial arrangement.
Spatial arrangement - conditions and processes for the formation of territories' physical environment and infrastructure, together with legislation, state and local policies, spatial planning documents, and the activities of individuals and legal entities. The Law on Spatial Planning and Urban Planning in Georgia sets out the subject, principles, priorities, goals and objectives of Spatial Planning and Urban Planning. This is a land management tool, which will determine the future strategic decisions and interventions for the sustainable development of municipalities and municipalities play a significant role in the management of land use, planning and development is a legal document, which is based on national and regional development plans and priority. This paper will discuss the spatial-territorial planning of certain areas of Georgia, particularly the villages of Mestia and Akhmeta municipalities and the principles and methods of their arrangement. Plans to regulate the development of existing villages imply the possibility of finding a common and sustainable equilibrium between the different approaches of the regional and national economy sectors, Rational planning and use of communities in Mestia and Akhmeta municipalities and each of the rural areas within it, with a view to sustainable and protected development of the cultural landscape.
Lecture files:
Geographical aspects of spacial arrangement of Mountainous regions of Georgia (Mestia and Akhmeta Municipalities Case Study) [en]საქართველოს მთიანი რეგიონების სივრცითი მოწყობის გეოგრაფიული ასპექტები (მესტიისა და ახმეტის მუნიციპალიტეტების საქმის შესწავლა [ka]