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Modeling subsurface object detection by electromagnetic sensors
Author: David KakuliaCo-authors: Giorgi Ghvedashvili, Levan Shoshiashvili
Keywords: Plastic mines, Method of auxiliary sources
In order to study the capabilities of plastic mine detection with electromagnetic sensors [1,2], the interaction between spherical cavity in the soil and the electromagnetic system is considered. A numerical model based on auxiliary sources is used to conduct numerical experiments. The electromagnetic system is located in the semi-free space, the spherical depth is located in the environment with soil electromagnetic parameters. numerical experiments for various values of geometric and physical parameters have conducted in a wide frequency range of EM excitation.
Lecture files:
Modeling subsurface object detection by electromagnetic sensors [en]ელექტრომაგნიტური სენსორებით მიწის ზედაპირს ქვეშ ობიექტების დეტექტირების მოდელირება [ka]