
The cartographic form of space-time synthesis and its features
Author: Tengiz GordezianiCo-authors: Tengiz Gordeziani
Keywords: Synthesis, Scale space, Scale content, Dominant steks
Reflecting on the variability in the timing of a cartographic event is a direct and crucial issue for the cartography research subject. This has been particularly relevant since the fourth dimension - time - was incorporated into the mapping process. The synthesis of a specific space and the content defined therein is performed on the same scale. Component mapping, resulting in a single, complex content map. This is the first step in cartographic synthesis based on static mapping in time and the result is a complex content but also a static mapping in time. This process is more complicated and logically goes on by synthesizing maps of the same content and scale over time. In this case we are already dealing with the so-called. With four-dimensional (in time) synthesis. This process works more effectively when spatially contiguous maps of time are mapped. When participating in different time-mapping processes in space-time synthesis, two points can be considered: A) When the scale of the space-time mapping involved is unchanged. In this case, the information capacity of the cartographic model obtained as a result of the synthesis process. B) The second approach is related to increasing the space scale for the same moment of time, while the mapping time remains the same. Such a case of spatio-temporal synthesis leads to a change in the information capacity of the result of the synthesis. When it comes to showing the dynamism of an event, it is based on the so-called. Background component data, which enables us to characterize different aspects of landscape functioning in the annual cycle. The process of mapping the state of natural-territorial complexes (NTC) is considered as a background characteristic of Dominant steaks (NTC day-to-day situations). Finally can establish space-time synthesis of cartographic forms definition of the following contents - the synthesis of such a form, which is carried out to maps great multitude maps small number maping space-time and the maps space and content of scaling without changing, which are involved in the synthesis process, the space-time The primary model without any loss of information.
Lecture files:
The cartographic form of space-time synthesis and its features [en]სივრცე-დროითი სინთეზის კარტოგრაფიული ფორმა და მისი თვისებები [ka]