
Multi- Criteria Expert Assessment System Of Innovative Ideas On The Basis Of Topsis Method In Geo Ideametrik
Author: Julieta GagloshviliKeywords: Geo Ideametrik, TOPSIS, Intellectual System
For the purpose of formation of efficient portfolio, other mechanism of assessment, ranging and selection of innovation ideas is proposed in the paper, in particular, multi-criteria method of analysis according to the proximity with optimal – TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), which is also based on the theory of fuzzy sets and hierarchic representation of assessment indicators. The procedures of formation and use of fuzzy scale are developed, and the peculiarities of determination of trapezoid, fuzzy numbers, corresponding to linguistic variables are determined. Relative coefficients of importance of the relevant characteristics, corresponding to the indicators and weights, denoting experts’ competence are used for obtaining of integral assessment of each idea. Specific procedures of their calculation are given.
Lecture files:
Multi- Criteria Expert Assessment System Of Innovative Ideas On The Basis Of TOPSIS [en]ინოვაციური იდეების შეფასება TOPSIS მეთოდის ბაზაზე - „გეო იდეამეტრიკაში“ მრავალკრიტერიუმიანი ექსპერტული შეფასებათა სისტემა [ka]