
Moms Care
Author: Nino NikolaishviliCo-authors: Nika Qvatadze
Keywords: mothers, children, problems, growing up, caring and questions
The main issues of the application are parents and the children. Inexperienced, young mothers and their problems with raising and taking care of a child. Parents often think that they themselves know better what is good for their child, but unfortunately, they often make many mistakes. The main task for them is to make as few mistakes as its possible while growing up their kids. These kind of mistakes mostly are made by young mothers, who have a lot of questions and no answers. Our motivation is to help that kind of parents and find solutions for their problems - it's the application main aim. With our application, they'll have opportunity to talk to experienced mothers and ask them anything they're interested in. In addition, they'll share experiences in each other and both of them will get a valuable information.