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Solving adjoint of linear advection equation in ICON model
Author: Tamari JanelidzeKeywords: Assimilation, advection, adjoint
Among the most advanced and sophisticated methods for state analysis of an atmospheric system, is 4-dimensional variational data assimilation method (4D-var). The numerically challenging task of this approach is the development and application of the adjoint model components. For tracer transport in fluid dynamics accuracy of numerical advection scheme is vital. It is even more important for applications in space-time variational data assimilation with adjoint model version. In the given work two different developing adjoint solver for the linear advection equation in the German Weather Servise's ICON model. Both methods are compared against each other on different advection test problems and data assimilation experiments.
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წრფივი ადვექციის განტოლების შეუღლებულის ამოხსნა ICON მოდელში [ka]