
Creating the identification system of person's temperaments and personality type on the basis of Kersi's temperament sorter and fuzzy information technology
Author: Teimurazi ManjafarashviliKeywords: person's temperament, identification system, e-learning, fuzzy tecnologies
Annotation Modern information and communication technology has dramatically changed the knowledge dissemination process. The popularity of e-learning systems is growing and more and more researchers are focusing on efficiency in order to save time and financial resources. To achieve this, it is necessary to adjust training scenarios for every trainee. One of the goals of educational technologies is the training process intensification which can be achieved by using different and advanced Information and Communication Technologies and Electronic (ICTE) tools. Nowadays, transition from the traditional classrooms learning to on-line training and consulting is taking place. However, it is not often respected that people have different perception of information. The differences are not only visual or auditory, but also related with the color of learning objects and the speed of presentation. The training system should take into account the type of the temperament and character of an applicant – trainee. Testing is traditionally used for recognition of the applicant’s temperament. Apart from the traditional tests–questionnaires, there are also other types, for example: painting test, color test, geometric shapes test, picture test, card game test, figures test, scenario tests, handwriting analysis, drawing tests, etc The advantage of such tests is that they are based on the cognitive processes and thus, are more free from manipulating the answers, take far less time and depend less on the mood. Our aim was to create (by means of combination of several such tests of different kinds and of using modern technologies for presenting and processing the personal information) a short, quick and free from manipulating Test-Program which would enable us to define the type of the applicant’s temperament and character for the needs of e-learning. References [1] Jung typology test types by Myers Briggs, [2] I. Lauberte, E. Ginters, Agent-based simulationuse in applicant’s character recognition, Annual Proceedings of Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences „ICTE in Regional Development”,Valmiera: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Socio technical systems engineering institute, 2008, pp. 58-64. [3] E. Ginters, I. Sakne, I. Lauberte, A. Aizstrauts, G. Dreija, R.M.A. Chinea, Y. Merkuryev, L. Novitsky, J. Grundspenkis, Simulation highway – direct access intelligent cloud simulator, Proceedings of 23th Europen Modelling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS2011), Rome, Italy, 2011, pp. 62-72. [4] A. Cirulis, E. Ginters, Training scenario operations realization in virtual reality environment, Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on automatic control, modelling & simulation (ACMOS 11), Lanzarote, Spain, 2011, pp. 39-45. [5] Overview of Keirsey’s Four Temperaments. Accessed 18.11.2011. [6] I. Lauberte, E. Ginters, A. Cirulis, Agent-based simulation use in multi-step training systems based on applicant’s character recognition, Proceedings of 13th East-European Conference on Advances in databases and information systems, Riga, 2010, pp. 16-22. [7] Macal C.M., North M.J, Agent-based modeling and simulation: desktop ABMS, Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference,Washington, DC, 2007, pp. 95-106. [8] A. Silins, E. Ginters, D. Aizstrauta, Easy communication environment for distributed simulation, World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information Science 3 “Computational Intelligence in Business and Economics Proceedings of the MS`10 International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2010, pp. 91-98. [9] A. Aizstrauts, E. Ginters, D. Aizstrauta, Easy communication approach for data exchange in distributed simulation environment ,Proceedings of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on automatic control, modelling & simulation (ACMOS 11), Lanzarote, CanaryIslands, Spain, 2011, pp. 34-39. [10] R. jon Religa, Temperament colors system,
Lecture files:
მოხსენების პრეზენტაცია [ka]Creating the identification system of person's temperaments and personality type on the basis of Kersi's temperament sorter and fuzzy information technology. [en]
პიროვნების ტემპერამენტისა და ხასიათის ტიპის გამომცნობი სისტემის აგება კერსის ტემპერამენტის დამხარისხებელისა და ფაზი-ინფორმაციული ტექნოლოგიების საფუძველზე. [ka]