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Investigation of the pinning and mobility of domain walls in cobalt micro- and nanowires by the nuclear spin echo method
Author: Tsisana GavasheliCo-authors: G. Ghvedashvili, G. Mamniashvili, Z. Shermadini
Keywords: Microwires, nanowires, cobalt, NMR, magnetic video-pulse, domain wall, mobility, pinning
The dynamics of domain walls in magnetic cobalt microwires synthesized using electroless technology was studied by the nuclear spin echo method of 59Co nuclei located at the centers of the domain walls of the FCC cobalt phase under the influence of an additional magnetic video pulse. The measured dependences of the intensity of the echo signals on the amplitude of the magnetic video pulse allow one to estimate the pinning and mobility of the domain walls in micro- and nanowires, the anisotropy of its effect during rotation of the sample containing transversely polarized magnetic wires, and also to establish the possible type of domain walls moving in them.
Lecture files:
Investigation of the pinning and mobility of domain walls in cobalt micro- and nanowires by the nuclear spin echo method [en]კობალტის მიკრო და ნანოძაფებში დომენური კედლების პინინგის და მობილურობის შესწავლა ბირთვული სპინ-ექო მეთოდით [ka]