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Studying of some biological capacities of Agaricus bisporus lectins in vitro system
Author: Elene DavitashviliCo-authors: Elene Davitashvili, Marine Koshoridze, Ketevan Menabde
Keywords: mushrooms lectins, cell viability, nitric oxide
Investigation of creatine’s modulatory effect on calcium quantitative alterations in hippocampus under the long-term psycho-emotional stress
Author: Temur MantashashviliCo-authors: Mantashashvili Temuri, Tsiklauri Aleksandre, Burjanadze George, Menabde Ketevan, Koshoridze Nana
supervisor: Nana Koshoridze
Keywords: Creatine, psycho-emotional stress, Calcium, Brain, Nitric Oxide