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Davitgaredja according to old cartographic sources
Author: Dali NikolaishviliKeywords: State border, Historiical maps, Davitgaredja, Georgia
Stochastic Parameters of Geodynamical Processes Formation (on the example of Kakheti Region)
Author: Tinatin NanobashviliKeywords: Geodynamical Processes, Determinant Factors, Stochastic Parameters
The cartographic form of space-time synthesis and its features
Author: Tengiz GordezianiCo-authors: Tengiz Gordeziani
Keywords: Synthesis, Scale space, Scale content, Dominant steks
Georgian toponym for vine
Author: tamar tefnadzesupervisor: Dali nikolaishvili
Keywords: Vine, Georgia, Toponym, Geo-information systems, Vine varieties
The oldest anthropogenic relief forms: river and sea polifunctional canals and terracing of slopes
Author: Tsetsilia DonadzeKeywords: Oroko, Lari, Terraces
turistuli bilikebis markireba, kartografireba da gis analizi (samcxe-javaxeTis regionis magaliTze)
Author: Giorgi Melikishvilisupervisor: asoc.prof.Tengiz gordeziani, geogr.doqt.roman maisuraZe
Keywords: biliki, markireba, kartografia, arc gis
Causes and results of the disaster occurred in Mestiachala basin
Author: Ana Chartolanisupervisor: Giorgi Dvalashvili
Keywords: Mestiachala basin, rocky mass
Medicinal herbs of Georgia (for creating satin)
Author: ani sheroziasupervisor: Dali nikolaishvili
Keywords: Medicine, Public Treatments, Medicinal Plants, Public Medicine, Medicines, Tincture, Nutrition, Propagation, Preparations
Law on Development of Highland Regions
Author: salome nikoleishvilisupervisor: Guliko Liparteliani, Dali Nikolaisvili
Keywords: Mountain law, map, height, list, development
Demographic situation in Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti
Author: keti elishvilisupervisor: dali nikolaishvili
Keywords: Population, demographic composition, depopulation, natural movement, mechanical movement.
Geographical assessment of safety of hiking trail with the methods of GIS (based on the example of Tbilisi national park)
Author: nikoloz kapanadzeCo-authors: Nika Gelashvili
supervisor: Giorgi Dvalashvili
Keywords: Landscape, GIS, Tourism
Impact of tourism and recreation industry on the environment, Complex assessment of the territory
Author: neli jamaspashviliCo-authors: Beruchashvili N.N., Beruchashvili L,N.
Keywords: Landscape diversity, tourism. risk of impact
The problems of viticulture and vine grooving of Georgia: conceptual direqtions sustainbie development of the tield
Author: manana SarashenidzeKeywords: vineyard, vine, microclimate, soil, humidity
Author: giorgi chartolaniCo-authors: Zaza Lezhava, Lasha Asanidze, Kukuri Tsikarishvili, Nino Chikhradze, Ani Sherozia
supervisor: Mariam Elizbarashvili
Keywords: Hydrogeological studies, indicator tests, cave development cycle.
Modern Geodynamic Processes of Georgia (According to municipalities)
Author: Giorgi DvalashviliKeywords: Relief, Disaster, geodynamic processes
Project of National Agency of Public Registry about creating a new digital maps of Georgia
Author: nino kharebavasupervisor: Dali Nikolaishvili
Keywords: 3D, Digital Map, Georgia, Cartography