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Intermolecular forces
Author: Ketevani NanobashviliStudy of enantioseparation mechanisms using capillary electrophoresis and NMR techniques
Author: Ann GogolashviliCo-authors: Bezhan Chankvetadze, Lali Chankvetadze, Elene Tatunashvili, Antonio Salgado
supervisor: Bezhan Chankvetadze
Keywords: Capillary Electrophoresis, Chiral separation, NMR Spectroscopy
Biological effects of ionizing radiation
Author: Papuna Navdarashvilisupervisor: Marina Rukhadze
Keywords: Radiation, biological cell, ionization, DNA, mutation
Bloom's taxonomy and its use in teaching process of chemistry in secondary school
Author: salome kadagishvilisupervisor: Marina Rukhadze
Keywords: Knowledge, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, element, periodic table.
Air Sampling and Pollution Sensing Research at SMART|ATMOSIM_LAB
Author: Giorgi JibutiCo-authors: Bezhan Chankvetadze, Ramaz Bitchorishvili, Ketevan Kharaishvili
Keywords: AtmiSim, air pollution, modelling, sensors
Thermodynamic explanation of separations of enantiomeric mixtures using polysaccharide based chiral stationary phases in HPLC
Author: Aluda ChelidzeCo-authors: giorgi kobidze, gizo dolidze
supervisor: Bezhan Chankvetatze
Keywords: Enantiomers, Thermodinamic parameters, temperature influence
Comparative characterization of mixed reverse microemulsions
Author: Marina RukhadzeKeywords: Water-in-oil microemulsions, mixed microemulsions, anionic, cationic and nonionic surfactants
Isoprene oxidation via nitrate radical in a large reaction chamber of atmospheric photochemistry simulation.
Author: Avtandili TurdziladzeCo-authors: Thorsten Hohaus
supervisor: Bezhan Chankvetadze
Keywords: Organic Aerosols, nitrate radical, isoprene, Volatile organic compounds, aerisol mas spectrometer
Estimation of kinetic order of heterogeneous recombination in laminar flame zone
Author: George BezarashviliKeywords: heterogeneous recombination, kinetic order, Rideal and Hinshelwood mechanisms
Content of copper in soils of Kakheti viticulture zone
Author: nino TakaishviliCo-authors: Nunu Labartkava
Keywords: Copper, Soil
Our Studies on Chiral Recognition and Enantioseparations In 2019
Author: Bezhan ChankvetadzeKeywords: on chiral recognition, enantioseparations
Quantum chemical description of the ability to form peptide bonds
Author: Jumber KereselidzeKeywords: Density functional theory
Atomic grenade
Author: Sopio jalaghaniasupervisor: Lali Akhalbedashvili
Keywords: Atomic grenade, radiation, polution
Structural of natural and modified sorbents Characterization of chromium, zinc, lead and heavy metals Cadmium for surface water treatment
Author: Nino Gagniashvilisupervisor: Lali Akhalbedashvili
Keywords: zeolites, heavy metals, Mordenite, sorbtion
Black Sea Ecology
Author: Nona Janashvilisupervisor: Lali Akhalbedashvili
Keywords: black sea, pollution, plastic
Climate change and the threat of global warming
Author: tamar khatiashvilisupervisor: Bezhan Chankvetadze
adsorbents from secondary raw materials for purification drinking water
Author: Nino Giorgadzesupervisor: ნათელა ანანიაშვილი
Keywords: adsorbent, heavy metals, adsorption, drinking water, contamination