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The role of protected areas in tourism – ecotourism
Author: giorgi mchedlishvilisupervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
Keywords: protected areas, tourism, ecotourism
Landscape aesthetics, design and designing as the components of landscape architecture and some issues of their teaching
Author: Robert MaghlakelidzeCo-authors: Giorgi Maghlakelidze
Keywords: cultural landscape, landscape aesthetic, landscape architecture
Geographical aspects of spacial arrangement of Mountainous regions of Georgia (Mestia and Akhmeta Municipalities Case Study
Author: Tamari odilavadzesupervisor: Nodar elizbarashvili
Keywords: Land management, Sustainable Landscape, Spatial-territorial arrangement.
Problems of mountain areas in Georgia and international experience
Author: Giorgi Kapanadzesupervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
The Geography of Malnutrition
Author: tinatin archvadzesupervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
Geographic peculiarities of tourist potential in Zestaponi municipality
Author: archil khuskivadzesupervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
Keywords: natural environment, route planning, spatial organization of tourism, components of nature.
Geographical aspects of regional policy (decentralization)
Author: Nodar ElizbaraSviliKeywords: Decentralization, Potential Assessment, Education Ecology
Sustainable development of the region Samegrelo Zemo-Svaneti
Author: ani birtvelishviliCo-authors: Ani Birtvelishvili
supervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
Keywords: Sustainable development, resources
Tendencies of Mortality and Life Expectancy in Georgia
Author: Giorgi MeladzeKeywords: Mortality, life expectancy, Georgia
Medical importance of medicinal plants of Georgia and geographical features
Author: Miranda Gurgenidzesupervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
Keywords: Medicinal plants, Ethnomedicine, Geography
Geographical peculiarities of mountainous areas and their recreational use
Author: Sandro Gogoladzesupervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
Keywords: Mountainous area, Recreational Resource, Potential
Assessment of Natural Conflicts and Risks in Landscape Planning (Samegrelo region example)
Author: Lado Grigoliasupervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Natural Conflicts, Natural Risks, Landscape planning, complex evaluation.
Geographical analysis of viticulture: Racha-Lechkhumi
Author: Teona Kobaliasupervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
Keywords: Viticulture, Geographical analysis, Racha-Lechkhumi
Dangerous Meteorological Phenomena in Georgia
Author: Mariam ElizbarashviliKeywords: Dangerous Meteorological Phenomena, stochastic processes
Geoecological features of the South Caucasus and sustainable development issues
Author: Gela Sandodzesupervisor: Nodar Elizbarashvili
Keywords: Caucasus, Sustainable Development, Resources, Geography